Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sheboygan reports on their bizarre news...

Even the Sheboygan Press realizes most of their reporting was strange. I missed a couple highlights this year, check out the latest story at the Sheboygan Press for exciting news, including...

7. Teen kinks grandma's oxygen hose to avoid going to school

9. Man steals child's ashes during argument

10. Man smokes marijuana to celebrate end of probation

check out the rest here...

Only in Sheboygan: Here are the strange and the wacky stories

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Woman Busted For Bloody Tongue Assault

Check out the video on this story!!

DECEMBER 7--What kind of a woman bites off her 79-year-old husband’s tongue and then poses for a mug shot flashing her pearly whites?

Meet Karen Lueders.

The 57-year-old Wisconsin woman was arrested Monday evening on a felony mayhem-domestic violence count after she allegedly bit off half of her husband Willard’s tongue while kissing him, according to investigators.

Willard Lueders was transported to a hospital about 50 miles from the couple’s Sheboygan home, so doctors could attempt to re-attach the tongue.

It is unclear why Karen, pictured in the above mug shot, bit off Willard’s tongue. Though Willard--in written responses to police questions--said that his wife was a in "manic state" when he was attacked, and had been "talking very fast and talking about spiritual things" over the past few days.

Willard said that he had gotten up at around 11:15 PM to go to the bathroom, where his wife was sitting on the toilet. “He advised that he kissed her while she was sitting on the toilet and that she had gone into a manic state, biting off his tongue,” according to a criminal complaint filed today. Willard added that his wife had also grabbed his penis.

Responding to a 911 call from Willard, police found Karen outside their home, where she was singing Christmas carols with a New Year's horn in her hand.

According to a page on the Faith Alliance Church web site, Karen Lueders is a “full-time Activity Director for the elderly” who shares “a music ministry named ‘His Harmony’” with her husband. Lueders, the church notes, “teaches good thoughts in Christ are mandatory for a life of love and service.”

In April, Lueders, who has two grown daughters and five grandchildren, spoke at a women’s church seminar entitled “Misfeeding Our Appetites.” Lueders lectured attendees on how to “Gain understanding into what you are really hungry for, ‘retrain your brain,’ and seek out what will really fill you up. Live the life God intends for you to live!”

More on this story:

Monday, December 6, 2010

Wisconsin pilot detained in Dominican Republic

A Wisconsin pilot has been detained in the Dominican Republic after authorities found over 300 pounds of cocaine hidden in the plane, operated by Milwaukee-based Air Cargo Carriers.

The pilot is 31-year-old Kevin Kuranz, of Sheboygan. His father, Joe Kuranz, of Sheboygan, says his son called Thursday night to say he was OK. He says his son told him he had no idea how the drugs got onto the plane, which took off from San Juan, Puerto Rico. He says the pilots don't load the planes.

Dominican authorities have also detained 18 military and government officials in the case.

Joe Kuranz said Saturday his son has not been jailed but he and his co-pilot aren't allowed to leave the country.